Leap Days


The Leap Days tab allows for the adding and editing of leap days to your calendars in Fantasy Calendar. A calendar needs at least one month to be able to add leap days, as they are attached to months.

To create a new leap day, enter a name for it in the Name input and click the + (add) button. Once a leap day has been created, you can open it by clicking the small arrow button next to the leap day's name.


The difference between a normal leap day and an intercalary leap day is that the intercalary leap day interrupts the current flow of days, puts a single day that is outside of the normal weekday flow of the month, and then continues the month as it was before.

Leap Day Settings


This setting is what selects which month the leap day should be added to.

If the leap day is attached to a leaping month, it will be added every year that is a multiple of the month's interval and the leap day's interval. If the month has an interval of 5, and the leap day has an interval of 4, the leap day will be added to the month every 20th year (5 * 4 = 20).

Adds Week Day (normal leap days)

If the leap day is a normal leap day and not an intercalary one, this setting will be available. When the Adds week day setting is ticked, this leap day will, in addition to adding a day to the month, it will also add another weekday to the month. When enabled, two more inputs will appear;

Week Day Name

This will set what the new leaping weekday will be called.

After Which Weekday

This determines where the leaping weekday will be added to the month's weekdays.

Select After Which Day (intercalary leap days)

If the leap day is an intercalary one, this setting will be available. This setting will allow you to select what day the leap day should be added after. If you select a day in the middle of the month and the leap day appears, the month will be interrupted, have this leap day shown, and then continue the month as normal. This allows for out-of-week holidays and the like, but still retain the week structure.


The interval setting under the Leaping Settings allows you to set how many years there should be between each appearance of a leap day. A leap day with an interval of 4 will come into effect every 4th year.


The interval setting on leap days allow for more customized options. If you enter more numbers separated by commas, the leap day will also come into effect on years divisible by that number. So a leap day with an interval of 20,4 will come into effect every 20 years, as well as every 4 years.


You can also exclude years by adding an exclamation mark (!) in front of a number, meaning that year will NOT have a leap day if it normally would. So !40,2 will mean that a leap day is added every 2nd year, but not if that year is divisible by 40.

Ignoring Offsets

In addition, a portion of the interval can be configured to ignore the offset (see below) by putting a plus (+) in front of it. A leap day with +!100,4 and an offset of 1 will have its leap day appear every 4th year, starting year 1, going 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 24... but the 100 will not be affected by that offset, meaning that if the interval ever hits a year divisible by 100, that year will not get a leap day.


The offset setting will offset the interval by a number of years set by you. So a leap day with a 4 year interval and a 1 year offset will come into effect every four years offset by one. So year 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, etc. This applies to all of the numbers in the interval, unless a number in the interval has a plus in front of it.


An interval of 400,!100,4 will come into effect every 4 years, unless that year is divisible by 100, but if the year is divisible by 400, ignore the previous rule and add the leap day anyway. This setup is used for the leap day on our Gregorian calendar, in order to compensate for the Earth's seasons.

Here are some more examples:

  • 4 - Every 4 years
  • !100,4 - Every 4 years, unless it is divisible by 100.
  • 400,!100,4 - Every 4 years, unless it is divisible by 100, but again if it is divisible by 400.
  • 100,!4,1 - Every year, unless it is divisible by 4, ignoring that rule if it is divisible by 100.
  • +10,3 - Every third year, and also every 10 years (ignoring any offset).