
The settings tab in the calendar inputs allow for powerful customization to tailor the calendar to your choice.

Layout Settings

Calendar Style

This UI will allow you to select one of three styles available:

  • Grid Style - The classic calendar display of rows and columns
  • Vertical Style - If you are viewing the calendar on a device with a small screen, this will make each day of the calendar its own row, simplifying the display.
  • Minimalistic - This will try to compress the calendar into as a small format as possible, mostly for printing, though web support is still there!

Show only current month

This will hide all of the other months in the calendar, except the one that you're currently on. This speeds up slow calendars quite a lot.

Add month number to months

This adds the number of the month to each month.

Add year day to each day

This will display a second number on each day showing the day of the year.

Guest View Settings

Make calendar private

This makes it so that no one can view your calendar, unless you have added them as a user to the calendar.

Enable previewing dates in calendar

Normally, viewers of your calendar cannot go forwards and backwards in time to check out past or future dates.

By enabling this setting, you will allow viewers to check out past and future dates.

Limit previewing to only past dates

Similar to the previous setting, but this limits the viewer to only go backwards, not forwards. This setting requires Enable previewing dates in calendar to be enabled (see above).

Show only up to current day

By clicking this, guest viewers will not be able to see past the current date. Any future days will be grayed out.

Hiding Settings

Hide all moons from guest viewers

This will hide all the moons from guest viewers.

Hide time from guest viewers

This will hide the clock from guest viewers.

Hide all events from guest viewers

This will hide all of the events from guest viewers.

Hide future weather from guest viewers

This will hide the weather on future days from guest viewers.

Hide all weather from guest viewers

This will hide all of the weather from guest viewers.

Hide temperature from guest viewers

This will hide the exact temperature from guest viewers. Combine this with the Cinematic temperature description in the weather settings to show a description of the temperature for a realistic feel.

Hide wind velocity from guest viewers

This will hide the exact wind velocity from guest viewers.

Hide weekdays in calendar

Not sure who'd use this, but people requested it for some eldritch reason! This will hide the weekday names in the calendar.

Event Settings

Event Commenting

By default, no one can comment on your events. With the three settings, you can choose the granularity of event commenting:

  • Disable event commenting - This disabled any and all commenting on events, except from the calendar owner.
  • Disable public commenting - Only users added to the calendar can comment on events.
  • Allow public commenting - Any fantasy-calendar user that can access your calendar can comment on your events.

Advanced Settings

Year zero exists

This will make year 0 appear in the calendar. Normally, the year count goes -2 > -1 > 1 > 2 > 3..., but this will enable year 0 to be default.